Capit0l Reunion

Fairfax, Virginia

Capit0l Reunion
Singing tenor is Laurie Jennings. Laurie is a former flight attendant and now enjoys tennis and golf. She and her husband enjoy traveling now that their two daughters are living away from home. She volunteers weekly in a program connected witht the Juvenile court. Laurie and Carolyn, the bass, are sisters and come from a barbershop family. Their dad and uncle helped found the Jubil-aires Chorus.

Kathy Seager, the quartet's lead, grew up in a musical family in Chicago. Her sister is also a member of Sweet Adelines International. Kathy is a deacon in her church, sings in the choir, and is a popular soloist. She and her husband have a daughter and a son. Her son, Josh, is a member of Virginia Tech's Marching Virginians marching band.

Singing baritone is Sylvia Kelty. Sylvia has three grown children and spends a lot of time with her granddaughter. She has played in the handbell choir at her church and volunteers weekly with a Hospice. Her parents are both music educators and her dad is still teaching at the age of 95!

The bass part is sung by Carolyn Chapell, Laurie's sister. Carolyn is a gemologist and owns her own business. She has one married daughter and two young grandsons. She is a past president of her professional GIA Alumni Association as well as the Fairfax Rotary club. She also loves to play golf and go antiquing.

Chapter: Vienna-Falls Chapter of SAI
General public contact: 703-273-9059
Area of operation: Fairfax
State: VA